A software company was chosen by everyone who wants to do graphic designing be that a professional graphic designer or just a casual one is Adobe inc. It has been used by millions of graphic designers in order to carry out their work properly and easily.

Now let us dive deep into the types of adobe software offered by Adobe inc.




It is the most famous designing software among millions of users around the globe, whether they are professionals and design sophisticated artwork or just a common person who does small edits in photo manipulations and poster designs, etc. Photoshop gives the opportunity to create banners, posters, websites and so many other things the way you like. (related link). Due to the intense use of this software, its name has become a verb. With photoshop one can create artwork, illustration, and do photo editing furthermore users can change backgrounds, add different colors and effects, bring two different images together, and can create another way of the universe, and many more with adobe photoshop. Both designs are possible to create, print and digital. Photoshop is available for windows and mac both.

Photoshop CC (creative cloud): it is known to be the advanced version of adobe photoshop and is available only by subscription. Professional level artists use this version because it's not possible for a layman person to work on it as it is more complex and has many features for which basic understandings of adobe photoshop are necessary. There are many elements similar to both but in adobe photoshop they are very simple and easy to understand as compared to photoshop cc. These elements include cropping, color manipulation, adding texts, and arrangements of photos for the purpose of quick access in some cases. There are different subscription charges available for adobe photoshop users ranging from 10$ to 100$. If you want to purchase elements forever then to charges are 100$. Other than that elements subscription for a month ranges from 10$ to 60$ depending upon the subscription plan.


 Whether you a professional designer or not, you can still use adobe InDesign for creating print and digital publications. It is different from adobe photoshop because here the option of text creating, photo editing or graphics designing is not available on the contrary it is used for the formation of whole publications in a way to link content from its source. It is used for changing the content within a publication. So you can use Adobe InDesign for designing print and electronic/digital publications and materials for example newsletters, books, manuals, instructions, brochures, and magazines.

Indesign CC (creative cloud): this is the advanced version of Adobe InDesign and is only available by subscription. Subscription cost depends upon the plan chosen. For one year subscription, the cost per month is 19.99$ and if it's only subscribed for one month then the cost is 29.99$. it also offers a Creative Cloud plan where the cost of a subscription for a year is 49.99$ per month and if you want a subscription for a single month then it is 74.99$. in the latter option, 20 adobe options other than InDesign cc are offered. They also have a plan for people related to academia i.e. teachers and students where they can subscribe to adobe InDesign CC(creative cloud) at 19.99$ per month for a year. Adobe InDesign also gives you the opportunity to review your file online for free and no subscription charges are needed to pay.


A very useful vector graphics software, for windows and macOS computers, offered by adobe inc. Which is the choice of millions of people across the globe. It allows you to create logos, icons, book illustrations, goods packaging, and billboards, etc. It gives them the freedom to create logos and icons from different colors and shapes. There are many reasons due to which users should prefer adobe illustrator over others in graphic designing like drawing objects, characters, drawing infographics, printing with the separations of colors, 3d graphics, and resizing images with compressing the size or affecting the quality of the file. So this vector-based program is used for logos and icon designs and many more. It gives the ability to create a different kind of digital and electronic logos, icons, images, charts, graphs, illustrations, and diagrams, etc.

Illustrator CC (creative cloud): it gives one extra option to its user and that is acquiring the license but one can buy the services of adobe illustrator CC by subscribing to its different plans. In the adobe illustrator CC, there is an option through which files from other software can be imported or exported because in some cases graphic designers create some artwork in adobe illustrator and then export it to after-effects for further work. Similarly, one can import work done in photoshop into adobe illustrator cc were designs and be processed further with the help of adobe illustrator cc, or a simple adobe illustrator. With illustrator files can be synchronized and saved to the cloud. There are different formats in which files can be saved into cloud-like scalable vector graphics (SVG), Encapsulated Postscript (EPS), portable document format (PDF), Vector markup language (VML), and Windows metafile (WMF). Similarly, there are huge but limited formats of files that can be imported into adobe illustrator CC.

Adobe illustrator cc requires subscriptions in order to avail of its services. It can cost 19.99$ for a month if the yearly plan is not subscribed where the monthly plan is 17.99$. other than that charges, needed to pay for creative cloud app access as a whole, are 49$ per month. There is also a free trial where access to everything is given in adobe illustrator cc for only one week after which subscription charges are required to pay in case of further usage.