10 Most expensive logo design
Creating a logo that can position itself in the mind of
people forever can be a very tough job and it depends upon the budget as well,
whether you want to spend few cents or millions of dollars. In this article,
you are going to know about the most expensive and effective logos in history.
You will also know about the intrinsic properties of these logos like how are
they are eye-catching which colors have been used and why are they used, you are
also going to know about the effects of logo colors on human behavior in these
most expensive logos.
Click here to know more about colors and their effects on
human behavior.
1. Symantec
This company, currently called NortonLifeLock is a software
company that provides cybersecurity and software services to different entities
like businesses, NGOs, etc. As you can see their logo is very simple which can
be recalled and recognized easily. It cost $1,280,000,000 to the company which
is a huge amount. Now let's talk about the intrinsic properties of the logo. As
you can see there is a yellow circle with a black tick in it. One important
thing to know is that there is always some logic behind every logo design and
color of a reputable and well-organized organization. yellow is a bright color
that can attract someone towards itself very easily, it is the color that gives
rise to the emotions of happiness, friendliness and people infer that this is
the sign of creativity, reliability, durability, and competence, according to
psychology. So now you have a good idea of why this color is chosen. Now, let
me know about the black color. psychologists believe that the black color seeps
elegance, style, and civilization. Basically, the whole logo wants to
communicate that this company is trustworthy, reliable and will protect you
from every sort of damages related to cybersecurity.
2. British Petroleum
This is a multinational company based in the UK which
supplies oil and gas. The logo of BP cost $210,000,000 to the company. As you
can see broadly, there are three colors used in their logo: Green, White, and
Yellow. As we have seen in the case of Semantic, yellow is a bright color that
attracts people towards itself so here we do not need to talk much about the
yellow color because color psychology remains the same, now the green color is
considered a dominant color which is the sign of environment friendliness,
growth, and life. That is why most of the pharmaceutical companies use green
color in their logos because they are trying to tell that they are focused on
the life of living things. The last one is white color which is a sign of
purity, cleanliness, and happiness. Basically, the white color is used to
express the feelings of care and honesty by the company for the people. The
overall meaning of the logo is that the company is sensitive to the issues of
the environment and they are trying their best to keep the environment clean
and green and reduce pollution as much as possible. Although people criticized
the company for polluting the environment still the company has tried to
convince consumers that they are environmentally friendly.
3. Accenture
This is a multinational company based in Ireland which is a
consultancy and professional services-oriented company. The logo of the
company, as you can see above, cost
$100,000,000 to the company. As shown in the logo of the company there
is the company name, their mission, and a sign of “greater than” above “t”. This
mathematical sign shows that the company is focused on the future of their
clients, it also signifies the speed and efficiency of the company. Black color
alphabets signify that the company is working hard for delivering excellent
services to their clients. To summarize the whole logo, the company is trying
to show that the company is striving hard for a better future for its
4. Posten Norge
This is a foreign company based in Norway which is involved
in the business of postal services, so basically, this company provides
services to their customers. The logo of the company, which you can see above,
has cost $55,000,000 to the company. As shown above, in the logo there are two
colors used, red and silver. Among the color spectrum, red is the most visible
color and psychologists believe that this color is a sign of bravery, boldness,
and dominance, which also makes sense in the case of this company. Another
color used is silver which is in between white and black, this color is
considered important for communicating equality, unbiased and justice. The
company is trying to communicate the message quickness, on-time delivery, and
surety of zero error.
5. ANZ
This company, also known as
Australia and Newzealand banking group limited is operational in the banking
sector and they provide services that every banking company provides, it is a
multinational company based in Australia. Paypal also uses the same colors
which are also operating in the same industry. The logo of this company cost
them $15,000,000. As you can see above, there are two colors in this logo, white
and blue. Now let's talk about white color and emotions associated with it.
Psychologists believe that white is the color of cleanliness, purity,
simplicity, and safety. Now the reason why the company has chosen the white
color is that they are trying to communicate to the public that they are free
from frauds and scams and your finances will be safe and secure with them and
they are keeping have open-door policies where everyone has the right to ask
queries. Another color used in their logo is blue, which according to
psychologists is the color which is associated with durability, tranquility,
and reliability and so the company chose this color to communicate the message
of reliability and security. Overall the message which this logo is
communicating is that this company is free from frauds you can trust them as
their services are simple, reliable, and secure.
6. BBC
A very famous news
broadcasting agency which is based in London, England is among those companies
which spend huge budget on logo designing. As you can see in their logo above,
only black and white colors have been used, which has cost $1,800,000 to the
company. We have also seen their logo in red color as well, but here we will
talk only about the black logo used by the company and the meaning of these
colors. First as described earlier white color means purity, cleanliness and in
this case, it also means that this company is anti-discrimination, their
policies do not take into consideration demographics or psychographics of
people or community or a society. Black color says that they are sophisticated,
elegant, and powerful, here the company is trying to says that they are
sensitive to each and every news report irrespective of the place, society, or
state. They will report everything whether good or bad without any influence or
pressure from any third party.
1) 7. CitiBank
This is a banking company
whose headquarters is located in New York, US. As you can see their brand logo
above, is comprised of red and blue colors. The logo of this banking company
has cost $1,500,000 to the company. the red color is one f the most visible
color due to its long wavelength. Psychologists have associated red color with
danger and warning. CitiBank took this opportunity and chose this color to let
people know that their financial resources are at high risk and if they become
stakeholders of this banking company, their financial resources will be safe
and secure and the risk of fraud or scam will be eliminated which is obvious by
adding blue color in their logos because psychologists have associated blue
color with safety, healthiness, security, calmness, and trust.
8. Pepsi
A major sports event that was held in London in 2012 was a
mega event whose logo was designed by spending $625,000 and comes under the
list of the worlds’ top ten most expensive logos. This event was first held in
1896 in Greece and the last time it was held in Brazil furthermore this event
takes place every four years where athletes from around the globe participate.
Officially there were four colors in Olympics 2012 logo and these colors were
blue, pink, green, and orange. The blue color is associated with peace,
serenity, and calmness as well as safety and security. The pink color is a
light color that is specifically associated with love and romance as well as
with happiness and unity. The green color is associated with nature,
originality, growth, and safety. Orange color is associated with enthusiasm,
energy, and spirit. So by mixing these four colors, the logo designer has tried
to communicate the message of energy, peace, love, brotherhood, equality,
safety, and career opportunities for participants.
people do not know that branding is done for a person or a place as well other
than products and services. In this case, a logo was designed, which is the
10th most expensive logo, for the capital of Ireland i.e. Belfast. They tried
to make Belfast city a brand in order to attract investments as well as
tourism. The logo was designed for $280,000. The color used in this logo is a
unique color that is not used by the majority of the logo designers,
psychologists have associated this color with maturity, confidence, assurance,
and inspiration. As it is now clear by knowing the color psychology of fuchsia,
we can infer that the designer of this logo has tried to communicate the message
of safety, security, and joy because of color psychology.
As we have seen in this post, the
10 most expensive logos designs came out
from Rebranding projects from well-established companies, and for that
companies are important to preserve their brand and identity(logo) images and
move in new directions without losing their soul. Also, one key factor about
these prices are that they also include the price of rebranding their offices
and change their logo from everywhere which for that company is a big investment.