Color Psychology in Logo Design

Color Psychology in Logo Design

    Table of Contents

  • What is color psychology?
  • Colors and their meanings.
  • Choosing the right color.
  • Issues with choosing colors,
  • Conclusion.

What is color psychology?

What is color psychology?

A simple definition of color psychology is that it the study of color, tone, or shade which determines human behavior. It is not an easy job for someone especially for a layman to find the psychology behind every color or the effects color has over human behavior, that's why it is more preferable for a logo or graphic designer to search for a particular color, and know the psychology behind it,  which he/she choose. Color psychology cannot be avoided because different colors have different meanings in different contexts. For example, red color in south Asia means love, purity, affection, attraction, and beauty. the contrary red color is associated with oppression, cruelty, and sacrifices in south Africa. In Chinese culture red color means luck, socialism, affluence, and ease. So basically, one has to first identify the target people, their culture, and the meanings assigned to a specific color in that culture.

Colors and their meanings.

We see thousands of colors each day, even within a picture there are almost 16 million pixels and each pixel is different from others but obviously human eye is not capable of seeing those pixels. So basically different colors have different impacts on human behavior, some colors are very sharp and others are fade also some colors are mediocre. Brands often chose those colors which are sharp, but not in every case, because choosing the right color conveys a meaningful message to potential customers. For instance, blue-colored conveys the message of calmness, comfort, and ease that's why the majority of the brands in the pharmaceutical industry chooses blue color.

Choosing right color.

Just like human personality brands also have their personality, to choose colors for a brand, it's important to study the personality of that brand. most of the time, consumers choose those brands that match their personality and personality of a brand influenced greatly by their color. For example, those brands whose target market is only males then they will choose black, white, or grey colors in the context of South Asia, similarly in the same context if the target market of a brand is only females then they will choose a pink, red or orange color to capture the attention of the target market.

Issues with choosing colors.

Choosing colors is not as simple as it seems, because each color carries a different meaning that's why choosing a color for your logo design or any other artwork is a complex procedure. First of all graphic designer has to know the nature of the product or service for which he/she is going to choose colors, then accordingly it is advised to choose a matching color. For example, a business that is male-oriented cannot choose colors that are associated with females and vice versa that's why the nature of the business and the context in which the business is going to enter are two very important factors that should be kept in mind while choosing colors.


Colors have a great impact on human behavior, as we know that some colors bring joy excitement, and happiness in people while others bring emotional, anger, and sad feelings in people. It is also noteworthy that some colors’ meanings are universal and nowadays where the world has become a global village, it is very important to choose colors that are accepted universally or colors whose meanings are the same in every culture because one color might have two different meanings in two different cultures which can create miscommunication among two parties and in some cases it can become a severe problem for organizations.  As discussed earlier red color has different meanings in different cultures, similarly colors other than red also have different meanings in different cultures. In the past, many cases have been reported in the case of businesses where the financial loss was incurred due to miscommunication caused by logo design or logo color.

There are millions of colors and each color is associated with some specific emotions, for instance, bright and sharp colors are associated with happiness on the other hand dark and light colors are associated with sad emotions.
To read further about colors and emotions click on the link given below:

Colors and emotions

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